She Bop’s Experts Talk Gender, Sexuality, and Being a Sex Shop for Every Body

by Blair Stenvick When Tuck Malloy transitioned into their nonbinary/transmasculine identity, they wanted to use their position as a sales lead and in-house educator at She Bop to help other people experiencing their own gender transitions and explorations. “There were a lot of things I wanted more insight and community around,” says Malloy, “particularly in …

Sex in space:

Could technology meet astronauts’ intimate needs? by Simon Dubé and Dave Anctil The 2018 movie A.I. Rising explores how machines could fulfill desires and support humans during space travel. Lo and behold, it might contain the solution to problems related to space exploration. Astronauts, despite their rigorous training, remain humans with needs. For space exploration …

Spicing things up in the bedroom during social distancing

By Almara Abgarian It’s going to be a quiet Friday night. The coronavirus lockdown has officially begun, pubs, restaurants, gyms and other public spaces have to close up shop for the forseeable future. So, what can you spend the rest of the weekend doing? You already know what we’re going to say, but let’s say …

What It’s Like to Break Up With a Sex Work Client You Fell For

“I was happy to pursue a flirty friendship with someone who I thought could be much more to me than just someone who paid for nudes.” by Sofia Barrett-Ibarria Like any other job, sex work can be exciting, dynamic, and stimulating—and deeply frustrating, disheartening, and painfully boring. It differs, though, in that it’s often based …

Parents should start teaching sex ed while their children are in diapers, experts say

by Jennifer Gerson One day, your toddler will point to a pregnant woman, cock their head, and ask, “How did that baby get into that lady’s tummy?” You might think it’s too soon to start teaching your innocent preschooler about sex at that point, but it’s not. In fact, some experts say, it might even …