Some penis microbes may increase the risk of vaginal infections after penetrative sex

By Julia Naftulin A new study found that 10 types of bacteria found on men’s penises were predictors in whether their female partners developed bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection that affects 1 in 3 women. Experts are unsure what exactly causes bacterial vaginosis. The researchers said that their study suggests men’s sexual …

25 Best Couples Therapy Techniques, Exercises, and Activities to Try in 2021

by Jillian Goltzman Online resources and telehealth has made couples therapy more accessible than ever. If you’re looking to engage in self-improvement and enhance your relationship, there’s a multitude of techniques and exercises at your fingertips. Couples therapy techniques Reflective listening “Reflective listening is a highly beneficial exercise where the couple take turns being active …

“Kink” Confronts the Challenge of Turning Sex Into Literature

By Katy Waldman “I’ve been kneeling here about ten minutes in the sheer black blouse, the crotchless panties. I don’t dare get up long enough to check my makeup. My back is straight, and my palms and cunt are trembly. The motion-sensor light outside the house blinks on, and then the door swings open.” So …

8 Fascinating Things Scientists Discovered About Sex In 2020

by Kelly Gonsalves While most of the world’s eyes remained understandably glued to the ongoing research around the coronavirus, immunity, and vaccine science, there were actually plenty of fascinating developments in the world of sexuality research. Behold, a small sampling of the many interesting studies about sex published this year. 1. People’s sex drives responded …

The Importance of Gender-Affirming Care for Closing the Gap on LGBTQ+ Health Disparities

By Elly Belle In doctor’s offices across America, medical professionals often provide care based on the assumption that patients are cisgender and heterosexual. But LGBTQ+ patients—especially those who are trans, gender non-conforming, or nonbinary deserve better, and experts say improvements will only come when LGBTQ+ and gender-affirming health care becomes commonplace. This type of care—which …