Real Orgasms And Transcendent Pleasure:

How Women Are Reigniting Desire By Malaka Gharib How can more women allow themselves to experience sexual pleasure? That’s one of the central questions in The Pleasure Gap: American Women and the Unfinished Sexual Revolution, a book published this month by public health researcher and journalist Katherine Rowland. Rowland explores why American women aren’t happy …

Number Of Teens Coming Out Doubles, But Suicide Attempts Still Troublingly High

by John Anderer As recently as 10 years ago, the idea of coming out and being accepted as homosexual or bisexual felt unthinkable for countless LGBQ teens. Society has seen significant progression in recent years, though, and a new study finds that the number of U.S. teens openly identifying themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or …

That’s a shame –

Live and let kink by Race Bannon Within the radical sex and relationships communities in which I navigate, there are few things that spark my anger more than shaming. Whether it’s coming from within the leather, kink, polyamory or gay men’s sex cultures, or from external sources, shaming is far too prevalent. I’m sure shaming …

(Almost) Everything You Know About the Invention of the Vibrator Is Wrong

A Victorian doctor created the “vibratode,” but it was our great-great- grandmothers who saw its real potential. By Hallie Lieberman There’s a longstanding myth that still seems to hold about where vibrators first came from. It goes something like this: Cut to Victorian England. A mutton-chopped, bow-tie-clad doctor stands in an operating theater, where the …

The Tech Innovator Fighting to Give Women Better Orgasms:

‘It’s About Helping People Understand Themselves’ By Aurora Snow Lora DiCarlo won the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Robotics Innovation Award for Osé, the company’s premiere product—“a robotic massager for hands-free blended orgasms.” A few months later, CES parent company Consumer Technology Association took the award back, calling it a mistake due to the nature …

Arguing With Your Partner Makes You So Damn Horny. Here’s Why.

Blame it on science. No, really. By Morgan Mandriota It’s a classic Hollywood plot: Couple starts an epic screaming match with each other, then mid-fight, one partner pushes the other up against the wall, they kiss oh-so passionately, and things escalate to hot, steamy makeup sex. (I mean, raise your hand if that scene from …

Five new books by trans and non-binary authors you really must read in 2020

John Waters once said, “If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ’em!” By Vic Parsons So, treat the queer, queer-adjacent or curious bookworm in your life to one of these books by trans, including non-binary, authors. Juno Roche – Trans Power Juno’s last book, Queer Sex, was a landmark …

10 Things Your Vibrator Can Help With That You Wouldn’t Expect

by Cassandra Corrado I’m officially dubbing 2020 the year of the vibrator. They’re just having a bit of a moment, you know? I’m not talking about the created-from-jelly-latex, transparent pink, rabbit vibrators that many of us still think of when you read the word “vibrator.” Nope — I’m talking about way more than just those. …