Queer lessons for straight couples

Book shows how heterosexuals can learn from LGBT people to have better relationships By Holly Ober The tragedy of heterosexuality isn’t that men are heterosexual. It’s that they’re not heterosexual enough. That’s according to UC Riverside professor of gender and sexuality studies Jane Ward, whose new book, “The Tragedy of Heterosexuality,” examines marriage manuals, self-help …

Sex Flush

— How to Embrace Your Body’s Natural Arousal Glow by Gabrielle Smith Remember mood rings? Sex flush is kind of like that. Except it’s your body changing color because of a very specific mood: Arousal. Sex flush is a normal part of the arousal cycle. It can happen during solo or partnered sexy times to …

You can enjoy sex with erectile dysfunction.

Here’s how. By Kellie Scott Many people with a penis see an erection as an important part of giving and receiving pleasure. That puts a lot of pressure on sexual encounters, given 40 per cent of Aussie men will experience erectile dysfunction. “People typically overlook the fact that a person’s erection waxes and wanes throughout …

Everything You Need To Know About WAP

— Vaginal Dryness, and Arousal By Jamie LeClaire Over the summer, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion blessed the world by dropping the sex-positive, empowering banger, “WAP.” The title is an acronym for “wet ass pussy,” and the song itself seeks to normalize and celebrate female-identifying people being unapologetically sexual and prioritizing their pleasure. And …

34 erogenous zones and how to stimulate them

We get you acquainted with these subtle and not-so-suble pleasure points. by Rosie Saunders Put simply, erogenous zones are extra-sensitive areas of the human body that generate a sexual response when stimulated. They’re located all over, from your eyelids to your ankles. Though sexual in nature, your body’s response might not necessarily be an out-and-out …