How right-wing purity culture leaves women with lasting psychological damage and self-hate

By Sarah K. Burris The so-called “purity” culture in the Christian evangelical community has made millions for churches and Christian swag manufacturers. However, it’s been harming millions of teens across the country who made a vow of chastity before marriage. Statistics reveal that 85 percent of men and 81 percent of women have sex prior …

A Guide To Transgender Friendly Clinics by Region

By Capri Fiello Hims and Hers were founded with the goal of getting more people to be open and honest about their health. For too long there has been a stigma around talking about fairly common issues. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for marginalized communities to access the health resources and information they specifically need. …

5 Things Straight People Can Learn from Queer Sex

By Ariana DiValentino Being queer, in some ways, is a blessing. If there’s one thing the queer world is good at, it’s having really, really good sex. Of course, there’s no such thing as “the” queer world — it’s a multitude of communities, localities, subcultures, and identifications. Within queer spaces, there tend to be prevailing …

Why Is There So Little Help For Women With Sexual Dysfunction

(But Plenty For Men)? By Natalie Gil It’s not just that we’re having less sex – problems between the sheets (or wherever you have sex) are common, even among young people, if countless surveys, problem pages and pieces of anecdotal evidence are to be believed. The most recent National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles …

How Better Sex Education Supports LGBTQ Kids’ Mental Health

By Kelly Gonsalves We know sex education in America needs a lot of work. Not only do most states lack comprehensive, medically accurate, and pleasure-positive sex ed programs, but they also tend to leave out or outright antagonize LGBTQ kids. And according to recent research, sex ed that excludes sexual and gender minorities can have …

5 Ways To Handle Jealousy In Open & Polyamorous Relationships

By Caroline Colvin The idea of an open or polyamorous relationship can be exciting for some people — it’s the giddy freedom of sleeping with whomever you want with the warm, fuzzy stability of your boo by your side. Still, while this is attractive, a little green-eyed monster might creep in at the thought of …