New Film Explores Wonder Woman’s Origins In BDSM And Feminist Kink

by Arenike Adebajo [W]onder Woman is one of DC Comic’s most iconic heroes. She’s more popular than ever after the record-smashing success of this year’s Wonder Woman movie. But not many people know about the character’s origins in BDSM and kink. A new film by director Angela Robinson, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, hopes to change that. The …

4 tips for keeping conversations about relationships and sex going during the teen years

  By Shannan Younger [Y]ou fulfilled your parental duty of informing your child about the birds and the bees. You’ve used proper terms for your child’s anatomy, you’ve explained exactly how babies are made, you’ve talked to your kids about the importance of protection. Now what? To answer that question and give advice for how …

I’m not that sexually experienced. How can I be more confident in bed?

Buck up, champ: Feeling a little anxious about your sexual history (or lack thereof) is totally normal. Here are 10 ways to improve your sexual performance without having to have sex first. by Vanessa Marin [E]veryone has anxiety about being great in bed, but when you don’t have much sexual experience that anxiety can feel …

I thought that everything was completely normal down there, but then…

Name: Shaon Gender: Male Age: 20 Location: I am a 20-year-old male and recently on a forum I post on someone was talking about how they had to get a circumcision as an adult because they had a condition called phimosis. Up until a couple of days ago I thought that everything was completely normal …

How to Talk to Your Younger Sibling About Sex

Since older siblings can sometimes be the best sex-ed teachers, here are four important topics to cover and a few links about how to get the conversation started. By Abby Wolfe [P]ositive sexuality is at the forefront of conversations being had by student activists on college campuses. Dismantling the societal constructs of traditional masculinity and …

How the Nazis destroyed the first gay rights movement

By John Broich [V]ery recently, Germany’s Cabinet approved a bill that will expunge the convictions of tens of thousands of German men for “homosexual acts” under that country’s anti-gay law known as “Paragraph 175.” That law dates back to 1871, when modern Germany’s first legal code was created. It was repealed in 1994. But there …

Here Are The Best Places In The World To Take A Sex Vacation

By Bobby Box [W]eather, affordability and sight-seeing and shopping opportunities are all definitive factors when planning a vacation, but have you ever considered the level of a city’s sex-positiveness? . undefined If you’re on the hunt for a sex-fuelled sabbatical and need some direction, you’re in luck. Adult mobile app portfolio Lazeeva has put in a …