We need to show real photos of genitals as part of sex education

By Ellen Scott Labiaplasty is on the rise. Boys and men continue to worry that their penis is too small. Every other week there seems to be a new treatment promising to make your penis longer and harder or your vagina tighter, smoother, and more sparkly. These treatments prey on our insecurities – our deep, …

Why Embracing Your Sexuality (Fetishes & All) Makes You A More Attractive Partner

by Wendy Strgar [G]rowing into our sexual selves is a lifelong process, like growing up in general. But because we don’t have a lot of language for our sexual lives, we somehow erroneously expect that sex is something we are born knowing how to do. Like any other physical and emotional skill, our sexual capacity …

Jane Fonda’s frank sex toy talk opens the door for a generation

  By Heidi Stevens [S]eventy-nine-year-old Jane Fonda is doing for vibrators what 44-year-old Jane Fonda did for aerobics videos: mainstreaming them. And not a moment too soon. The new season of her critically acclaimed Netflix series, “Grace and Frankie,” co-starring Lily Tomlin, sees the two women launch a business selling sex toys for women. If …

Dominant Submissive Relationships In The Bedroom – Part 2

Look for Part 1 HERE! Why BDSM Couples Like Having Rough Sex 4. BDSM: All About Communication BDSM is still viewed as an unconventional sensual, erotic, and sexual behavior, yet couples who practice this tend to develop a better sense of self. These couples are more likely to communicate their likes and dislikes with their …

Dominant Submissive Relationships In The Bedroom – Part 1

Why BDSM Couples Like Having Rough Sex By Lizette Borreli [M]any couples will admit sex can become predictable over the course of a relationship. We all know the routine: we go to the bedroom, turn off the lights, and have sex (almost) always in the missionary position until we’re done. Although there’s nothing wrong with …

How to Talk Openly With Your Kids About Sex

By Michele Hutchison,Rina Mae Acosta [T]his spring, Rina’s four-year-old kindergartner Bram Julius will learn about colors, shapes, how to play nicely with other children, and take his first steps towards learning about sexuality at school. In these early sex ed lessons the class will discuss butterflies in your stomach, friendship, and whether or not you’re …

Let’s talk about intimacy – and why it makes for better love and sex

The key to a great relationship is more than physical – it’s about taking off the mask and really revealing yourself By Joanna Moorhead Is there anything we still need to know about sex? Apparently, yes: and the missing ingredient is a gamechanger not just for individuals, but entire nations. Sex has been centre-stage in …

It’s time to end the taboo of sex and intimacy in care homes

By Paul Simpson [I]magine living in an aged care home. Now imagine your needs for touch and intimacy being overlooked. More than 500,000 individuals aged 65+ (double the population of Cardiff) live in care homes in Britain. Many could be missing out on needs and rights concerning intimacy and sexual activity because they appear to …

Why Aftercare Is The BDSM Practice That Everyone Should Be Doing

By Sophie Saint Thomas [I]f you’re unfamiliar with the BDSM scene, you might think it’s all whips, handcuffs, and pleasurable pain, but there’s one important element that BDSM practitioners have built into their sex lives to make sure that everyone involved feels safe and cared for after play time is over: a practice known as …