How the Nazis destroyed the first gay rights movement

By John Broich [V]ery recently, Germany’s Cabinet approved a bill that will expunge the convictions of tens of thousands of German men for “homosexual acts” under that country’s anti-gay law known as “Paragraph 175.” That law dates back to 1871, when modern Germany’s first legal code was created. It was repealed in 1994. But there …

Here Are The Best Places In The World To Take A Sex Vacation

By Bobby Box [W]eather, affordability and sight-seeing and shopping opportunities are all definitive factors when planning a vacation, but have you ever considered the level of a city’s sex-positiveness? . undefined If you’re on the hunt for a sex-fuelled sabbatical and need some direction, you’re in luck. Adult mobile app portfolio Lazeeva has put in a …

College Students Want to Talk About Sex. They Just Don’t Know How.

By Amelia Marran-Baden [F]ear of sexual assault on college campuses is twofold: Many students are afraid of being victims of assault, while others are terrified of being accused of it. If that sounds ridiculous, consider this: Apps have popped up in recent years that allow students to sign virtual consent forms before engaging in intimate …

How to introduce BDSM to the bedroom without terrifying your partner

Everything you need to know about adding a bit of kink to your bedroom By Holly Von Bock [F]irst things first, let’s clear up exactly what BDSM means: bondage and discipline (B&D); dominance and submission (D&S); sadism and masochism (S&M). It’s split up this way because BDSM means a lot of different things to the …

What gay trans guys wish their doctors knew

Vancouver study peers into the lives and troubles of trans MSM By Niko Bell [S]peaking to gay and bisexual trans men, the word “invisibility” comes up a lot. Invisibility in the bathhouse and on dating apps, invisibility among cisgender people, straight people, trans people and gay people. And, too often, invisibility in the doctor’s office. …

The story of Magnus Hirschfeld, the ‘Einstein of sex’

Decades before Alfred Kinsey developed his scale for human sexuality, there was Magnus Hirschfeld — a doctor who dedicated his career to proving that homosexuality was natural. By Julia Franz [H]irschfeld’s reasoning was simple: In turn of the 20th century Germany, where he lived, a law called Paragraph 175 made so-called “unnatural fornication” between men punishable …

The Ingredients of a Healthy, Non-Sexual Intimate Relationship

It takes one part communication and one part vulnerability. by Dr. Kurt Smith [S]ex is everywhere these days. Unfortunately, we often let our relationships get clouded by sexual intimacy. Sometimes being physically intimate with another person blurs our vision of how we truly feel about that individual. Believe it or not, but you can actually …