
Name: Vic Gender: Age: 37 Location: Hollywood I think I have hemorrhoids can you tell me what to do and what kind of doctor I should see You think you have hemorrhoids, but you don’t know for sure? Since you don’t include the symptoms you might be having, I really can’t help all that much. …


Hey Sex Fans! Product Review Friday is comin’ your way and today we have another outstanding insertable from our very good friends at: Crystal Delights. Today’s pleasure product is not the first Crystal Delights product we’ve reviewed, no siree! I reviewed one back in February, 2010. You can see it HERE! Today’s review is brought …

Hello Gorgeous!

Hey sex fans, It’s Product Review Friday and we have the last of three pleasure objects we received from that wonderfully GREEN boutique manufacturing house in London, Made To Pleasure. But wait! You haven’t missed any of the reviews in this series, have you? Well not to worry if you have, because there are archived …

A June Is Bustin’ Out All Over Q&A Show — Podcast #283 — 06/06/11

[Look for the podcast play button below.] Hey sex fans, welcome back! Yes siree, June is busting out all over! It’s pert’near summer and I just realized that we haven’t had a Q&A show since early last month. So ya know what else is bustin out all over? My voicemail and email in boxes, that’s …

Tease For Two

Hey sex fans,

It’s Product Review Friday and we have something truly unique for you today and it comes to us directly from the manufacturer, Wet For Her. This is a brand new company