Here’s Some Things You Never Knew About Breasts, But Should

By Ariana Marini You may not think about it much, but the science behind breasts is actually pretty interesting. Breasts are among the few organs that aren’t fully developed at birth, and we’re the only species on the planet whose breasts are permanently enlarged. Other mammals only have swollen mammary glands when they’re lactating. So, …

Touch Isolation: How Homophobia Has Robbed All Men Of Touch

Homophobic prohibitions against male touch are hurting straight men as well. By Mark Green “Boys imitate what they see. If what they see is emotional distance, guardedness, and coldness between men they will grow up to imitate that behavior…What do boys learn when they do not see men with close friendships, where there are no …

The Secret To Good Sex In A Long-Term Relationship

Pro-tip: Act like your relationship is a Skinemax movie By Tracy Clark-Flory It turns out candles, lingerie, and jazzy tunes are more than romantic cliches—they might actually kinda work. At least, that’s according to a new study of long-term heterosexual relationships finding that sexually satisfied couples regularly engage in these and other forms of foreplay and …

How Many Americans Actually Engage In BDSM Play

By Amanda Chatel BDSM is the acronym for “bondage, discipline, submission, masochism,” and it’s a practice that’s ancient. According to research by sex toy retailers, Adam & Eve, there’s evidence of BDSM sex practices in ancient Greek art, and the Kama Sutra, which was written in 300 A.D., publicized erotic spanking as a way to …

Gay Sex Questions, Answered by Davey Wavey’s Doctor: WATCH

There is a lot of misinformation out there about gay sex. In an attempt to separate the myths from the facts, blogger Davey Wavey made an appointment with his physician, Dr. Jay Gladstein, to get to the bottom of things. Among the things that you’ll find out in this check-up with Dr. Gladstein: Does having …

REVIEW — Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin

In celebration of black history month. The best way to destroy a culture is to deny, suppress, or appropriate that people’s history. A culture without its art, without its myths, without its heroes will soon wither and die. For millennia indigenous peoples all over the world have suffered this kind of cultural rape at the …

How to Do Kegels Without Getting a Bulky, Manly Vagina

By: Faith Choyce Keeping Your Snatch Delicate, Kegels, Mannish-Vagina Risk Unless you’re living under an unfuckable rock, you’ve obviously heard of your Kegels. You might even already be doing them a few times a week in the hopes of toning your pelvic floor, keeping your bladder in check, or turning your otter pocket into a …