Unequal Chore Division Is Killing Women’s Sex Drives, Research Shows

By Kelly Gonsalves You’re probably familiar with this story: Man and woman meet, fall in love, have fabulous sex. They move in, maybe get married, maybe have kids. Her interest in sex starts to drop; his doesn’t. Tension ensues, spoken or unspoken. He’s always initiating; she’s always turning him down. While that narrative actually isn’t …

Researchers find comprehensive sex education reduces homophobia, transphobia

by Dfusion Can a school-based sexual health education program that effectively reduces the risk of unintended pregnancy and STIs also decrease homophobia and transphobia? That question drove a collaborative effort by researchers conducting a randomized controlled trial of an inclusive comprehensive sex education program—High School FLASH. The study evaluated not just the impact on students’ …

Sexologist Chantelle Otten on the complexities of sex in both her work and her personal life

— Let’s talk about sex. By Alley Pascoe As a renowned sexologist, Chantelle Otten is privy to people’s deepest desires, fears and insecurities. Here, she’s honest about her own. I’m in bed with Chantelle Otten and she’s taking photos of her feet. It’s not as kinky as it sounds. We’re speaking over Zoom ahead of …

Epilepsy and Sex

— How Epilepsy Can Affect Sexual Health By Serenity Mirabito RN, OCN Attention to sexual health in people with epilepsy is often lacking. Sexual dysfunction, however, is a side effect of epilepsy and the medications that treat it. Although not fully understood, epilepsy can also cause endocrine disorders that negatively impact the reproductive system, leading …

Five important things you should have learned in sex ed

– But probably didn’t By Áine Aventin If you grew up in the 90s and 00s, you may feel that sex education didn’t teach you much of practical value. Most sex education during this time followed a “prevention” approach, focusing on avoiding pregnancy and STIs, with most information largely targeted at heterosexual people. While some …

New Research Suggests A Unique Way To Enhance Your Sex Life

— What do women find sexy? By Mark Travers A new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior suggests that an unequal division of household labor can explain low sexual desire in women. “The onus to fix women’s low sexual desire with things like medication, testosterone, stress-reduction, or mindfulness therapy can be unhelpful because …