So, You Want To Open Your Monogamous Relationship?

— Here’s Where To Start By Eliza Dumais We’re a post-monogamy generation in more ways than one: Our fridges house anywhere from two to 16 varieties of “milk.” We select television programs from 11 competing streaming services. Come dinner time, we opt between hundreds of regional cuisines, all available to us within minutes. We’re spoiled …

Queer Reading

— SF State prof sees reasons for rethinking LGBTQ history by Brian Bromberger For Marc Stein, professor of history at San Francisco State University, queer history is a calling, realizing he is part of a network and a community of gay intellectuals. Many U.S. college history departments don’t even define queer history as a bona …

Taking Genuine Interest in Your Partner by Building (and Adding to) a Love Map Is Key to a Strong Relationship

By Helen Carefoot When you first meet someone you’re interested in dating or pursuing a romantic relationship with, you may find yourself intensely curious about them. Perhaps you find yourself doing a sneaky Insta-scroll or wading through old tagged photos on Facebook—you want to know everything, from the seemingly mundane and simple to the complex …

5 Ways You Can Vet Advice About Sexual Health Online

— Misinformation can be dangerous wherever you find it. Here’s how to stay safe. By Kate Daniel “Is this syphilis? PLEASE HELP,” user Difficult-Parsnip508 posted to r/STD, a page on Reddit that’s devoted to everything and anything related to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). “I’m female; my last exposure was approximately three weeks ago. I don’t …

How Hannah Arendt’s Zionism Helped Create American Gay Identity

— The pioneering gay writer and editor Michael Denneny, who died on April 12, learned from his teacher Arendt that an individual can be free only as part of a free community by Blake Smith Hannah Arendt left behind little in the way of an obvious institutional or intellectual legacy during her brief years at …

Emily Morse Wants You to Think Seriously About an Open Relationship

By David Marchese For nearly 20 years, Emily Morse has been publicly talking with people about sex. She has done it in intimate, small-group conversations with friends; she has done it on radio and TV and social media; and the sex therapist has done it, most prominently, on her popular “Sex With Emily” podcast. A …

As a disabled person, kink can feel empowering, subversive and even therapeutic

By Evan Johnson You may not expect me, as a disabled person, to be interested in the world of leather and rope. But, as an advocate for sex positivity, I’m here to tell you disabled people can be asexual or hypersexual, vanilla or kinky — and everything in between. Disabled people experience the same full …

What Is Gender-Affirming Care?

By Mira Miller Gender-affirming generally refers to the medical, psychological, and social support provided to individuals who are transgender, non-binary, or gender expansive. to help align their gender identity with their outward appearance and improve their overall well-being. This type of care can include socially transitioning by changing one’s name, pronouns or way of presenting; …