How Learning Your Desire Style Could Help Spice Up Your Sex Life

By Shaeden Berry When you hear the word “desire” do you think of burning hot passions? A low urgent feeling in your belly? Do you think of Hollywood movies and two lovers tearing each other’s clothes off, tucked behind the locked bathroom door of a party, because they couldn’t keep their hands off one another …

What is parallel play in relationships and why should you do it?

— It’s not a sex position, it’s better By Sera Bozza Do you feel too attached to or too independent of your partner? ‘Parallel play’ may be the secret to resurrecting your relationship – and it’s most likely not what you think. Years ago, I was lost in my own world of Pinterest — my …

Silver daddies

— Why do young adult men like older partners? By Sachintha Wickramasinghe You’ve probably heard of “sugar daddies.” Or “the internet’s daddy,” Pedro Pascal. Stereotypes of this popular term abound, but what does it actually mean to be a “daddy”? And who is most likely to engage in age-gap relationships, and why? Daddies of a …

How To Deal With ‘Vanilla Shaming’

—Because No One Should Be Made To Feel Bad About Enjoying Non-Kinky Sex By Sara Youngblood Gregory Cultural narratives around sex and sexual preferences have long been weaponized to make people feel embarrassed or ashamed of what they like. Indeed, the history of sex-negativity in this country is so rich—propped up by egregiously lacking sex …

Can Kink Help You Let Go of Shame and Anxiety in the Bedroom?

— Folding in kink and BDSM play can help soothe anxious feelings and release shame. By Jackie Lam Key Points Kink and BDSM may help alleviate anxiety, release shame and boost creativity. Go slow. Learn the ropes of kink before you dive in. It doesn’t have to look like “Fifty Shades of Grey.” There are …

Women’s sexual desire often goes undiscussed

– Yet it’s one of their most common health concerns By Áine Aventin Female sexual desire is frequently misunderstood. Despite desire (also known as libido or sex drive) being the most common sexual health concern for women, most women aren’t really taught about it growing up. And if they are, the information is often inaccurate. …

Tips on How to Increase Penis Sensitivity

— Experiencing a decrease in penis sensitivity can be a frustrating experience and something that people don’t often talk about. However, there are effective solutions available that can increase penis sensitivity and restore the pleasure experienced during sexual activities. This article will explore these solutions and provide valuable insights to help you regain a fulfilling …