Everything You Need To Know About Outercourse

(Sex Without Penetration) By Kesiena Boom, M.S. What is outercourse? Outercourse is a term that generally encompasses any type of non-penetrative sexual play, says sex educator Cassandra Corrado. “So it might include handjobs, nipple stimulation, perineal massage, cunnilingus—anything that stimulates the outside of the body for sexual pleasure.” Notably, outercourse has a broad definition and …

Women on top

— The woman who found BDSM in her 50s “Sexuality-wise I mostly find people who are not into BDSM boring; they aren’t sexy or open enough for me.” Anjya is 58, and is always submissive in her BDSM relationships. But she won’t be won’t be submissive to just anyone… Ever wondered what kind of sex …

15 Simple Ways To Be A Better Lover To Your Partner

By Julie Nguyen If you’re asking yourself how you can be a better lover, you’re probably looking for tips to elevate your bedroom game. However, being good at sex isn’t always about making someone come harder (or faster). On the contrary, being a better lover is often more about increasing emotional intimacy and embodying open-hearted …

What will Consent 101 actually look like in schools?

‘There’s an understandable concern from parents, but I think they should feel confident that this education will be age appropriate and grow with the students.’ By Jaymie Hooper A landmark decision by the Australian government will see sexual consent education mandated across schools nationally from next year, with children as young as four expected to …

Can Xanax Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

By Laura Dorwart Xanax (alprazolam) can cause sexual side effects, including low libido (sex drive) and erectile dysfunction (ED).1 Xanax is a prescription medication used to treat anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder. It is also sometimes used to treat insomnia, muscle spasms, and seizures.2 Xanax belongs to the benzodiazepine …

What Is The Kinsey Scale?

Visualizing Sexuality As A Spectrum By Stephanie Barnes Charts and scales can help better explain many things in life, and sexuality is no different. One of the most popular scales used to understand sexuality is the Kinsey Scale, which was created to help describe a person’s sexual orientation. Though not without its limitations, this scale …

What to Know About Gender-Affirming Care

Gender-affirmation care refers to treatments, ranging from surgery to speech therapy, that support a transgender or nonbinary person in their gender transition. Transgender people identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth. Nonbinary people have gender identities that fall outside the categories of male and female. Transition looks different for …

A Study Reveals The Average Time It Takes To Make A Woman Orgasm & It’s Not That Hard

By Manya Ailawadi Finally, the world is ready to take women’s sexual pleasure seriously – and here’s all you need to know. Researchers have published a study that gives us the average time it takes for a heterosexual woman to reach orgasm. According to the research, it takes around 13.41 minutes. The study focused on women older …