Words matter

— Terms, pronouns and vocabulary to add to your everyday dictionary By Sharla Brown-Ajayi The glossary listed below is a list of terms used within the LGBTQIA community. This list is not completely comprehensive, as language is constantly evolving and new terms and identities are always forming. It is important to mirror the language someone …

Laws of Attraction

— Omnisexual vs. Pansexual Both forms of sexual identity involve being attracted to people of all genders, but they differ when it comes to having individual preference. by Nicky Cade When figuring out something as complex as sexuality, it might seem like there are more labels than there are in your local supermarket. You may …

7 fascinating facts about female masturbation that everyone should know

There are certain taboo topics that aren’t openly talked about, and masturbation — particularly, female masturbation — has certainly been one of them. But experts say that’s starting to change. “There was a time when it wasn’t open for women to talk about it,” Dr. Leah Millheiser, director of the female sexual medicine program at …

How polyamorous people are marking commitment to multiple partners

By Suzannah Weiss Sarah Brylinsky, a 34-year-old working in higher education in Ithaca, N.Y., is legally married to 36-year-old farm manager Brandon Brylinsky. Two years ago, on a camping trip a decade into their relationship, they met 35-year-old Matte Namer, the founder of a real estate firm. The Brylinskys and Namer are polyamorous, which means …

What is heteroflexibility?

And is it just another word for “bisexual?” By Anna Iovine If you identify as straight but are open to queer experiences, you’re not alone. You may be called “heteroflexible,” a portmanteau that signals being “mostly straight” with a flexibility towards same-sex attraction. What does heteroflexibility mean? There’s not an objective definition of heteroflexibility. In …